Please follow the below steps to execute an Awareness Campaign :
Step 1: Click on the Courses option from the left sidebar.
Step 2: Now click on the three dots of a particular course which you want to use for training.
Step 3: Click on Run Course. Now, you will redirect to a new screen where you are required to input the below details :
1. Campaign Info : This should be unique for all the campaigns.
2. Training Content Selection : Configure the campaign settings as shown in the below image.
NOTE : You can reset these options in the middle of the campaign as well.
3. Department Selection : Select the department/s ( user group/s) to which you want to send the course.
4. Run Campaign On :
a. Distinct Users : The campaign will exclusively run on unique users from the selected departments.
b. All Users : The campaign will run on all the users from the selected departments. This may cause duplicate course listings for recurring users.
5. Set the Campaign Expiration : Select the expiry date of the campaign.
Step : 4 : Click on Send to execute the campaign at that time. If you wish to execute it on some other time, then click on Schedule and select the suitable date & time.
This is how to run the course campaign.