How to Enable SPF for Network Solutions (Netsol)?

How to Enable SPF for Network Solutions (Netsol)?

You must add Network Solutions in your SPF record to enable SPF for Network Solutions. This will allow you to add Network Solutions to your list of SPF-verified transmitting sources. As a result, the next time your company sends an email utilising Network Solutions as a third-party vendor, the email will pass SPF and the recipient's inbox will display your domain name.

Steps to Enable SPF for Network Solutions 

  • Open your DNS management console

  • Go to the domain for which you want to setup SPF for Network Solutions

Now, If you have a pre-existing SPF record in your DNS: 


You need to add (for non-hosted email) or (for hosted email) to your previous SPF record. Hence, if your previous SPF record prior to this was v=spf1 -all, your new record will be: 


v=spf1 -all


Note: You need to ensure that you have only 1 SPF record configured for your domain. More than one record will break SPF and lead to SPF failure for legitimate emails. 


In case you don’t have a pre-existing SPF record in your DNS:


Simply add the following DNS TXT SPF record to your DNS: 

v=spf1 -all

Steps to Add an SPF Record in Network Solutions

  • Log in to your Network Solutions account

  • On the left-hand-side menu bar open cascade Domains and click on nsWebAddress

  • Click on Manage Domain Names

  • The Domain Details page opens up 

  • Navigate to Advanced DNS Manager on this page, and click on Manage Advanced DNS records.

  • Create an SPF record for your domain

  • Navigate back to your Network Solutions cpanel and under the Text header, click on Edit. 

  • In the Host field, enter @ as your host 

  • In the Text field add the value of your newly generated SPF record

  • Save changes

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