How to Read TLMS Dashboard Data

How to Read TLMS Dashboard Data

Key Metrics Summary
  1. Total Number of Trainees : This count indicates the number of users who have been assigned a course.
  2. Campaigns InitiatedThis section displays the total number of campaigns that have been executed.
  3. Certifications Downloaded :  Indicates the number of certificates downloaded by the learners post completing the course assigned.
  4. Learners In Progress : The total count of learners presently engaged in the process of finishing their courses.
  5. Non Started Learners : The total count of learners who have not yet started the course.
  6. Learners Completed : The overall number of learners who have completed the course successfully.
Average Course Completion Rate
This gauge shows how many learners have completed the course in all the campaigns. It helps easily see how engaged users are with the course. It calculates the ratio by dividing the number of users who finished the course by the total number of learners, then multiplying by 100.

Daily Learners
This graph shows how active users are in the courses they've been assigned over time. By watching this graph, we can understand how users are participating in TLMS over the given period.

Library Breakdown
The library breakdown, shown in a donut chart, helps in organizing training materials effectively. It's divided into four main categories: Videos, Creatives, Courses, and Quizzes. In the center of the chart, you'll find the total count of materials available in your TLMS package.

Recent Campaigns
The "Recent Campaigns" section offers a quick summary of the most recent campaigns launched for users. It provides detailed information such as the campaign's title, type, status, and completion rate in one place. Additionally, it includes details like the campaign's start date, the number of users targeted, and the departments involved.

Training Bifurcation
The pie chart shows how materials are distributed among three main categories: Courses, Creatives, and Quizzes. This visual helps promote diverse engagement and improves user awareness and learning in cybersecurity by ensuring a balanced delivery of content.

Campaign Summary
The campaign summary is shown in a donut chart, presenting the distribution of ongoing, completed, and scheduled campaigns. In the center of the chart, you'll find the total number of planned campaigns to date, providing a clear visual representation of the campaign status and progress.

Most Popular Contents
This gives a summary of popular content accessed in the TLMS portal. It includes course titles, total enrolled learners, the number of campaigns featuring each course, and the course completion percentage, providing a detailed view of user engagement.

This section on the dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all video content available within the platform. It includes details such as the titles of the videos, their durations, and any associated metadata. Users can easily access and manage their video resources from this centralized location, making it convenient to navigate and utilize video content for learning and training purposes.

This section on the dashboard serves as a centralized hub for managing all available courses within the platform. It provides users with quick access to course titles, descriptions, and other relevant information.

On this section of the dashboard, users can explore and manage various creative assets available within the platform. This includes images, posters, comic strips, and other visual resources used for learning and training purposes. Users can view details such as the titles, descriptions, and types of creatives available. Overall, this section provides a centralized location for managing creative assets.

This section on the dashboard is a centralized area for managing all quizzes available within the platform. Here, users can view details such as quiz titles, descriptions, and associated metadata. They can create new quizzes and edit existing ones. This section provides users with easy access to all quiz-related information.

This section on the dashboard is where users can oversee and manage various campaigns conducted within the platform. From here, they can create new campaigns, monitor ongoing ones, and analyze campaign performance and results. The section provides users with a centralized hub for orchestrating and optimizing their campaigns to effectively engage learners and achieve training objectives.

This section on the dashboard is a dedicated area for accessing and analyzing data related to user engagement, performance, and other key metrics within the platform. By analyzing this data, users can identify trends, assess the impact of training initiatives, and make informed decisions to optimize learning outcomes. The analytics section serves as a valuable tool for monitoring performance and driving continuous improvement within the platform.

Users and Group
This section on the dashboard is where users can manage user accounts and group members within the platform. You can also create new groups directly from this section. You can also view and edit user details.

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