How to Setup DKIM for SMTP2GO?

How to Setup DKIM for SMTP2GO?

This article will provide you a step-by-step guide to setup your sender domain for SMTP2GO. Moreover, in case you don’t have a pre-existing sender domain, all emails sent via SMTP2GO are pre-signed with it’s own DKIM key. The only difference arises on the receiver’s end, meaning that some recipients will see emails as being delivered "via" or "via".

Setting up sender domain for SMTP2GO:

  • Click on Settings > Sender Domains from the left side menu within your SMTP2GO control panel.

    • Enter the name of your domain in the dialogue box and click on ‘Add Domain’. In case you are using ‘’, enter ‘’ in the domain name field.

  • Now, log into your DNS provider, if you are not sure about your DNS provider, you can find that information in the sender domain page.

  • The next step is to create the CNAME record. You do this by creating DNS records of the type CNAME for your domain name. The Sender Domains page will let you know exactly what you need to enter.

When the Sender Domain section displays verified for the domain name entered by you, it signifies that the sender domain is set up and working correctly. 

You can learn more about setting up sender domain for SMTP2GO over here:

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