How to setup DKIM for Zoho Mail?

How to setup DKIM for Zoho Mail?

This article will be covering the steps to successfully setup DKIM for Zoho Mail. Setting up DKIM for Zoho will significantly improve the domain reputation among ISPs. The authentication method also aims to offer a secure email channel for communication and prevent spam at the same time. 

How to add a DKIM signature for your domain in ZOHO?

Follow the steps mentioned below to create a DKIM signature for Zoho Mail:

  • Log into the Zoho Mail control panel as an administrator or super administrator

  • Go to Domains from the left menu, and choose the domain for which you want to configure DKIM. 

  • In the Email Configuration tab, select DKIM

  • Click on Add to add a new selector for the domain.  

  • Provide the selector name, for the domain to be used with Zoho Mail. Ex: zoho

  • Click Add. The selector will be added and a TXT record will be generated and displayed across the added selector.

  • You can copy the text in the TXT value field. 

  • You need to create a TXT record with this value in the DNS Manager before you click Verify.

II. Creating TXT Record in DNS Manager.

  • Log into your domain's DNS Manager.

  • Create a TXT record in your DNS with the title as <selector>._domainkey.<>
    Ex: should be the name of the TXT record if the selector you choose is zoho and the domain name is Replace the text with your custom values without the brackets. 

  • In the TXT record value, paste the entire content you copied from the text field TXT Record Value in Zoho.

  • Save the TXT record in the DNS Manager.

  • You can check the validity of the DKIM using this DKIM checker.

How to check whether the DKIM for the domain is enabled?

Once you complete the steps mentioned above, you can navigate back to the admin control panel of your Zoho mail.

  • Click on verify over the particular selector. The text record present there will be modified to the verified state.

  • Once verified, you will see a prompt to Enable DKIM immediately or later. You can enable DKIM immediately to start signing DKIM signatures for the emails from your domain.  

  • Once you enable it, the DKIM signatures will be added to all the emails generated from the domain.

You can read more about configuring your DKIM for Zoho Mail here:
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