SPF Setup for Amazon SES

SPF Setup for Amazon SES

To verify a domain,

Go to your verified domain list in the Amazon SES console, or follow these instructions to navigate through the dashboard:

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/.

  • In the navigation pane, under Identity Management, choose Domains.

  • Choose Verify a New Domain.

  • In the Verify a New Domain dialog box, enter the domain name.

Helpful Hints:

For instance, your domain name is www.xyz.com, enter xyz.com as your domain instead of writing the entire domain name. Entering ‘www’ is not necessary and your domain verification process won’t succeed if you include it in the domain name.

  • Choose Verify This Domain.

  • In the Verify a New Domain dialog box, you will see a Domain Verification Record Set containing a Name, a Type, and a Value. (This information will also be available by choosing the domain name after you close the dialog box.)

To complete the verification of your domain, add a TXT record with the displayed Name and Value to your domain's DNS server. For information about Amazon SES TXT records and general guidance about how to add a TXT record to a DNS server, see Amazon SES Domain Verification TXT Records. In particular:

  • If your DNS provider does not allow underscores in record names, you can omit _amazonses from the Name.

  • To help you easily identify this record within your domain's DNS settings, you can optionally prefix the Value with Amazon SES:

  • Some DNS providers automatically append the domain name to DNS record names. To avoid duplication of the domain name, you can add a period to the end of the domain name in the DNS record. This indicates that the record name is fully qualified and the DNS provider need not append an additional domain name.

Update your DNS to include the TXT record outlined in the “Domain Verification Record Set” table.  

When verification is complete, the domain's status in the Amazon SES console changes from "pending verification" to "verified," and you receive a notification email from Amazon SES.

You can now use Amazon SES to send emails from any address in the verified domain. To send a test email, check the box next to the verified domain, and then choose to Send a Test Email.

If the DNS settings are not correctly updated, you will receive a domain verification failure email from Amazon SES, and the domain will display a status of failure on the Domains tab. If this happens, complete the steps on the troubleshooting page at Common Domain Verification Problems. After you verify that your TXT was created correctly, choose the retry link next to the failed status notification to restart the domain verification process.

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