Things to keep in mind before creating a Campaign Template

Things to keep in mind before creating a Campaign Template

Before going to the Dashboard to create a Campaign Template you first need to keep a few things in mind:

1) The Category of your Campaign Template
We provide various categories to create campaigns under. If you want to create a campaign related to COVID then we provide a COVID-19 category, or campaign related to insurance then we provide the Insurance category. So please pick the category that best suits your campaign idea.

2) Languages
We give you the option to build campaigns in various languages. So you can pick any language that will best suit the targeted group of employees such as according to the region.

3) The Type of Simulation you want to run
ThreatCop is broken down into 3 different modes of campaigns: Attack Simulation, Imparting Knowledge, and Assessment. You can design your campaigns with or without awareness training and gamified assessment. We provide 4 categories under this, that are:
a) Simulation Attack -> Where you just want to launch an simulation attack to assess your employees.
b) Simulation Attack + Training -> When you want to launch an attack followed by an awareness training.
c) Awareness Training -> When you only want to raise awareness on a certain topic amongst your employees. We train the employees through videos, animations, infographics, pdfs and much more. 
d) Gamified -> This is when you have want to test the knowledge of your employees through a gamified assessment.

4) Attack Vector
ThreatCop simulates 5 of the biggest cyber security threats in the world. Based on the simulation type you have decided upon, you can choose the type of attack you want to launch be it phishing, smishing, vishing or ransomware. 

So above are the 4 factors you need to think before creating a campaign.

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