What are all the possible error logs in the User .csv?

What are all the possible error logs in the User .csv?

One of the most commonly used and dependable methods for adding users to the Threatcop tool is by uploading a .csv file through the dashboard. However, before proceeding with the user upload, it is crucial to consider the following points to prevent any issues during the import:
  1. Ensure there are no duplicate details in the uploaded data.
  2. Verify that there are no spaces between the entered details.
  3. Avoid including any special characters in the data, as it is not recommended.
  4. Only use verified domains when entering information in the .csv file.
The .csv has the fields as shown in the below image:

To use a specific domain when uploading user emails in a .csv file, refer to the mentioned article for guidance on adding and verifying the chosen domain: How to add and Verify your domain?

Please ensure that the specified fields are filled in with the following details for the respective simulations:
For Ransomware and Phishing Simulation:
For Whatsapp, Smishing, and Vishing Simulation:
First name
First name
Last name
Last name


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