What is Phish Rate, Avg Phish Rate and Breach Time and other analytics

What is Phish Rate, Avg Phish Rate and Breach Time and other analytics

Phish Risk Rate :

Phish risk rate indicates the threat posture of a company by analyzing the ratio of total email sent to data submitted.

It is a metric designed to assess the susceptibility of a company or organization to phishing attacks. It is calculated by analyzing the ratio of total emails sent during a simulated phishing campaign to the number of employees who fell victim to the simulated attack and submitted their data.

Average Phish Risk Rate :

The average Phish Risk Rate is a metric that provides an overall assessment of an organization's susceptibility to phishing attacks. 

To calculate the average Phish Risk Rate, you would typically collect data from multiple simulated phishing campaigns over a specified period and then compute the average of the individual Phish Risk Rates from each campaign.

This average provides a more general overview of the organization's overall susceptibility to phishing attacks, considering variations across different campaigns. Monitoring the average Phish Risk Rate over time allows organizations to assess the effectiveness of their ongoing cybersecurity training, awareness programs, and other security measures in reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing attempts.

Breach Time :

Breach Time denotes the time taken by the first employee to submit their data in the simulated phishing campaign. It is a metric used to measure how quickly an employee falls victim to a simulated phishing attack. 

Most Vulnerable Employees : 

Employees who consistently fall victim to phishing attacks are often considered more vulnerable. These individuals may be more susceptible to manipulation, deception, or unintentional engagement with malicious content.

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