How to Create Smishing Template In TSAT?

How to Create Smishing Template In TSAT?

In order to create a Smishing Template, please follow the below steps : 

Step 1 : Click on Campaign Templates" on left side menu and then click on "Create New" as shown in the below screenshot.

Step 2 : Input the below details in the opened form after clicking on Create New button.
  1. Template Name - Name of the template (should be unique),
  2. Select Category - Category is based on Template's topic,
  3. Select Language - Language of the template, 
  4. Select Simulation Type - There are 2 types of simulations - Simulation Attack & Simulation Attack +Training
  5. Simulation Attack is for phishing campaign only.
  6. Simulation Attack + Training is for sending phishing emails and once the user clicks or submits the data, he/she will receive awareness training, (Available for Phishing Simulation only)
  7. Select Attack vector - Select "Smishing" for smishing template creation.
  8. Credential Harvesting - Tick the check box if you want to the user to submit their data.
  9. Click on "Go To Next" once the inputs have been filled.
NOTE : If you untick the Credential Harvesting check box then the Landing Page step will not be included in the template creation part. And when you execute the campaign, the user will not redirect to the Awareness Page without submitting their data.

Step 3 : On this screen, please input the "SMS Template" . It should be exactly same as it is approved by DLT (Smart Ping). Click on "Go To Next" . 

Step 4 : If you have ticked the "Credential Harvesting" then you will see this section. Else you will be direct go to step 5 "Attacker Profile".

In this case, Credential Harvesting is ticked so, we need to create Landing Page.
Select the Landing URL which can be related to your template topic or look a like domain of your original domain. You can add your own domain.

To add a new Landing URL Domain then click on the below Link -
Now proceed to write basic HTML and CSS code for constructing the landing page. If necessary, you may utilize CDN links and JavaScript within the script tags.

Alternatively, you can employ another method called "Import Site." Just click on the button situated in the upper right corner and paste the URL of the webpage you wish to duplicate into the designated input box.

The entire landing page will then be generated automatically. Feel free to modify the template according to your preferences if needed.

NOTE : We recommend using modified brand logos and images to prevent Google from blocking the landing page.

Tick the Username/Email check box, Password check box to save this data of a user.  Tick the "Awareness Page" check box to use the default Awareness Page. If not then untick it and paste any URL on which you want to redirect the user after submitting their data.
Then click on "Go To Next" to save the changes and move on to the next step.

Step 5 : In this step, you are required to select the SMS Profile, input the below 
  1. From,
  2. Username,
  3. Password,
  4. DLT Content ID,
  5. DLT Principle Entity ID 
All the above details will be related to DLT and third party(used for sending SMS).
Now click on "Go To Next" to save the inputs and move to the next step.

Step 6 :  Click on "Refresh" button to see the updated changes and preview the SMS template, Landing page, Landing URL, Sender ID, etc.

And for testing the template, click on "Test Campaign Template Message" and input name and phone number to send the test message.

This is how you create a Smishing Template from scratch.

How to run a Smishing Campaign, click on the below link -

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